The Other Day…V5, #002, The Forgotten Ones In 2016, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the one thing that has always stood out to me about the experience was the kind way everyone treated her with every treatment she had. Once she finished with all her treatments, they gave her a special teddy bear. I have never forgotten those days. She still has to see her cancer doctor twice a year, but in regards to cancer, they were able to remove it and treat the exposed area, and now she is doing well. (At least on that front).
Well, The Other Day…, I had to take my wife to the local hospital for a Prolia shot. For whatever reason, she had to go to the cancer center to receive the shot. When we went inside the cancer center, they sent us to the side of the building where they give cancer patients their treatment. We had to take a long walk past a row of cubicles in order to get to the one where she would receive her shot. Naturally, many of those cubicles were filled with patients getting their cancer treatments. It’s difficult for me to write this because I can’t forget the looks of helplessness, hopelessness, the tired eyes. What struck me most was that they were all alone. I know that’s the way the treatment center prefers to give the treatments, but it still made me think that it must be worse to go through it all alone.

Seeing these people made me think about all the people who have been forgotten while either dealing with their cancer or with covid. It reminded me of something I heard a while back. “No matter what, we all die alone.” For those people I saw being treated on that day, it couldn’t be more correct. Every single person in those makeshift rooms was facing their own mortality. Some may have had hope in their hearts, but for many, I saw a weariness that was reflected in their empty eyes. As I passed through that area, both coming in and leaving, the faces of the forgotten ones really made me feel uncomfortable. Perhaps it’s because I know that the old adage, “There but for the grace of God…,” is all too close to home for my wife and me.
Yes, the people who work in this cancer treatment ward are upbeat with smiling faces and positive attitudes. They offer compassion and hope to the patients being treated. However, it seemed evident to me that death was lurking in this ward, just waiting for the next person to succumb to cancer’s clutches. Truthfully, we were both happy to leave the hospital that day. I wonder if the hospital administrators have thought of allowing people to have family or friends with them while having their treatments? I know that for me, something like that would make me feel less cold and alone and forgotten. Of course, it could be simply a matter of covid protocols right now, I don’t know. Still, I know I definitely didn’t enjoy myself on that day.
Anyway, I have been thinking of all those patients ever since, and I have said a multitude of prayers for them. I also pray that I never have to be one of the people sitting in those chairs, behind a curtain, alone. I know this is a sad topic, and I am sorry if I brought anyone down. However, seeing those people that day affected me deeply, and I felt I needed to write something. I hope that you will join me in wishing all of them a speedy recovery. Until next time, stay safe and healthy, everyone, and may God bless you. MUH!!