Beginning last Sunday, I did not have a good start to the week. I didn’t think it could get much worse until I received news on Monday that I really didn’t want to hear. I received a text telling me that a friend, and former colleague of mine, had stage four colon cancer.
His name is Mark. He and I met when we were both teaching at Notre Dame High School (Clarksburg, WV). He is a heck of a teacher, coach, father, husband, and friend. Mark is a soft-spoken man with a wicked sense of humor. You could count on him for a humorous jab whenever one was needed.

After teaching for seven years at ND, I sought employment elsewhere, and we went our separate ways. Mark stayed at Notre Dame until his son graduated. We met up again when I was working at Lincoln High School. Mark was there for me when tragedy struck my life, and he was my friend when I needed one.
Mark teaches Drivers Education. I admire his ability to put a smile on his face and climb in that car with student drivers every day. I could never be comfortable doing that myself, but he is a natural. His calm demeanor helped make him a great driving instructor.
The other thing I know about Mark is that he had a genuine love for baseball. While at Notre Dame, he was the head baseball coach. Mark was an excellent baseball coach. I’m not just saying that either. Of the seven years, I was at Notre Dame, he took his teams to the state tournament, twice.
So, why am I writing about this? I am hoping that some of the people who read this article about this wonderful man, will spread the word about Mark and give him the prayers and support that he needs right now to face what he is facing. He is a wonderful man who has given so much to so many over the years. I would like to think that those of us who know him, or were touched by him in some way, would be willing to reach out and offer what they could to help him in any way they can.
Mark, my friend, I wish I could do more to help you. You have blessed my life throughout the years, and if I could do more to help you through this, I would. In the meantime, just know that you will be in my thoughts and my prayers for as long as necessary. Stay Strong. MUH!!