Hello, My Name is
J.D. Crosby-
David C. James
Writer and author of Novels, Short Stories and Essays. Both names are pseudonyms. I have just released my latest novel, Fauntleroy.
Welcome to Crosby’s Corner where you are the “Best in the Room.“
Welcome to Crosby's Corner.
Hello, and welcome to Crosby’s Corner. It is a place where you are always welcome to stop by for a visit. It is where you will always be treated as if you are “The Best in the Room!” Being a former educator, I often treat this space much like my former classroom. It is meant to be a safe place where we all can learn and share. Feel free to roam around and then pause when you find something you like. You may find it best to share your feelings on an issue through the comfort of email. Make sure you go to my “contact page” and write to me. However, please understand my site is not a place for negativity. I’ve always felt it is better to build up than to tear down.
I started this blog many years ago as a way to support my writing fixation. I have learned a much about trying to be a better writer and about publishing my wares. It hasn’t been easy learning the information I have acquired. Therefore, I have sought outside help to publicize my product to the public to gain some new supporters and a little wider recognition. With my latest release and the new look of my website, I am also using the new pseudonym of David C. James. The results you are seeing are just the beginning. I am going to continue to use J.D. Crosby for my short stories and essays.
Hey, thanks for stopping by. If you want, why not go to my “Contact Page” and send me a note that you’ve been here, I would love to hear from you. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Business is slow right now, so don’t be surprised if you hear back from me soon. I am trying to create a newsletter (again), for my new and improved site. It is still a work in progress. However, if you would be interested in receiving a newsletter once it’s complete, just leave your information on my contact page, and I will see what I can do to make that happen. For now, I hope you will continue looking around my pages and perhaps find something to read and enjoy. Always remember, you are welcome here at Crosby’s Corner. Where you are “The Best in the Room!” MUH!!